Supervisor Applications

Supervisors can now submit a project application from June 12th until 19th July 2024.

Help and documents for supervisor applications are covered on the below pages. Once you have read the guidance, click here to apply.

How to Apply

After reading our “Supervisor Expectations” and “FAQ”s, click below to apply.

An image of a scientific laboratory. Hands hold a pipette and beaker containing purple liquid.

Supervisor Expectations

An outline of what is expected of supervisors working with the DTP.

Supervisor FAQs

A selection of frequently asked questions for supervisors looking to apply to the DTP.

Recruitment Timeline

A breakdown of key dates for both student and supervisor applications.

Key Document Downloads

Including: the application form, available projects and timeline.

Scrabble tiles spelling out "Support".

Application Webinars

Contact details and Information on upcoming support webinars.

Prep Period Overview

Including: meetings, training and project outlines.