Supervisor Expectations
In applying for a PhD studentship with the GW4 BioMed2 MRC DTP, you will be agreeing to the following arrangements:
- All supervisors and co-supervisors will be expected to attend at least one DTP update session, which will take place in Cardiff in October during Orientation and in either Bath, Bristol or Exeter in May/June during Congress.
- Supervisors and co-supervisors will be expected to attend yearly supervisor training, which will provide you with a chance to meet with your supervisory team and build a supervisor cohort across the DTP.
- Supervisors and co-supervisors consent to have their engagement with the DTP
monitored. - Supervisors and co-supervisors will be expected to submit an online progress
report for each of their GW4 BioMed2 MRC DTP students once a term. - Supervisors and co-supervisors to take part in at least one additional role during
their allocated studentship:- Participation in project/student shortlisting
- Participation in student interviews.
- Delivering training either at Congress, Advanced Training Element
sessions, Theme Events, or via the Online Core Training Platform. - Standing as deputy for theme or institutional lead.
- Participate as tutor for our online CORE training programme.

DTP Expectations
In return, the GW4 BioMed2 MRC DTP will ensure to provide supervisors with:
- Termly updates regarding the DTP programme, including key dates and upcoming funding opportunities
- Support materials via the GW4 BioMed2 MRC DTP website, regarding accessing finances and programme arrangements within the DTP
- A Supervisor Handbook at the beginning of each academic year, detailing any updates in arrangements within the DTP
You can download a copy of this document below: