Cannabinoids in the ticking network of the brainstem satiety centre

Project Code

MRCNMH25Br Chrobok

Research Theme

Infection, Immunity, Antimicrobial Resistance and Repair
Neuroscience and Mental Health
Population Health Sciences

Project Summary Download


Most physiological processes including feeding follow circadian (~24h) cycles. In mammals, these rhythms are generated by endogenous ‘body clocks’ within the brain. Dysfunction of these body clocks can contribute to obesity and other metabolic disorders. Our studies focus on a site in the brainstem that controls appetite which we have discovered also has robust circadian timekeeping. This project aims to understand how cannabinoids, substances known to promote appetite, impact cell-cell communication and the timing of food intake via the activity of this brainstem satiety centre.

Lead Supervisor

Dr Lukasz Chrobok

Lead Supervisor Email

University Affiliation
