Early executive function development in moderate-to-late preterm infants

Project Code MRCNMH24Br Holmboe Research Theme Neuroscience and Mental Health Full Project Description Please download the below document for a full project description and to see the full supervisory team. Summary We will investigate how moderate-to-late preterm (MLP) infants (32-37…

Modelling the role of L-type voltage-gated calcium channels (CACNA1C) signalling in epilepsy and mental health

Project Code MRCNMH24Br Hodge Research Theme Neuroscience and Mental Health Full Project Description Please download the below document for a full project description and to see the full supervisory team. Summary Variations in the CACNA1C gene are strongly associated with…

Developing new therapies for compulsive behaviours by understanding the neural control of flexible action selection

Project Code MRCNMH24Br Fischer Research Theme Neuroscience and Mental Health Full Project Description Please download the below document for a full project description and to see the full supervisory team. Summary Compulsive behaviours (CBs) can take many forms including compulsive…

Is faulty fibre function to blame for fibromyalgia? – tracking down chronic pain to its source

Project Code MRCNMH24Br Dunham Research Theme Neuroscience and Mental Health Full Project Description Please download the below document for a full project description and to see the full supervisory team. Summary Fibromyalgia (FMS) is a common chronic pain condition. FMS…

How does the membrane environment impact the activity of the µ-opioid receptor?

Project Code MRCNMH24Br Corey Research Theme Neuroscience and Mental Health Full Project Description Please download the below document for a full project description and to see the full supervisory team. Summary This project will use cutting-edge computational methods to understand…

Cannabinoids in the ticking network of the brainstem satiety centre

Project Code MRCNMH24Br Chrobok Research Theme Neuroscience and Mental Health Full Project Description Please download the below document for a full project description and to see the full supervisory team. Summary Most physiological processes including feeding follow circadian (~24h) cycles…

The interplay between genetics and brain development in schizophrenia

Project Code MRCNMH24Br Ashby Research Theme Neuroscience and Mental Health Full Project Description Please download the below document for a full project description and to see the full supervisory team. Summary Schizophrenia is a severe neurodevelopmental psychiatric disorder with high…

Understanding the role of disease-causing NMDA receptor mutations in synaptic development and function

Project Code MRCNMH24Br Anastasiades Research Theme Neuroscience and Mental Health Full Project Description Please download the below document for a full project description and to see the full supervisory team. Summary Neurodevelopmental disorders are a major global health burden. One…

A novel link between brain myelination and autism spectrum disorder

Project Code MRCNMH24Ba Ward Research Theme Neuroscience and Mental Health Full Project Description Please download the below document for a full project description and to see the full supervisory team. Summary Myelination is essential for function and survival of neurons.…

The rapidly aging African Turquoise killifish as a model for age related neurodegenerative disorders

Project Code MRCNMH24Ba Subramanian Research Theme Neuroscience and Mental Health Full Project Description Please download the below document for a full project description and to see the full supervisory team. Summary In this PhD project the student will investigate Ribostasis…