How star cells of the brain help save the heart

Project Code

MRCNMH25Br Mastitskaya

Research Theme

Neuroscience and Mental Health

Project Summary Download


Glucagon-like peptide-1 is a hormone and neurotransmitter peptide known for its role in appetite control and glucose metabolism. Other health benefiting effects of GLP-1, in particular prevention of damage from heart attack, are less understood. This project will study how GLP-1 activates neural connections in the brain to send protective stimuli to the heart in an experimental rodent model of heart attack. The emerging role of brain cells called astrocytes in modulation of these connections will be clarified using state-of-the-art techniques of gene activation and silencing in vivo.

Lead Supervisor

Dr Svetlana Mastitskaya

Lead Supervisor Email 

University Affiliation
