Novel morphological markers of congenital heart disease: from computational modelling to population data

Project Code

MRCPHS25Br Biglino

Research Theme

Population Health Sciences

Project Summary Download


Congenital heart disease (CHD) affects 1/110 births, causes 220,000 deaths/year and affects 13+ million worldwide. The aetiology of CHD is complex, with evidence of both genetic and environmental causes, and identifying sub-phenotypes of CHD remains challenging. These defects present with anatomical changes at birth and/or following surgical repair. Such changes over time (e.g. enlargements, narrowings) are key indicators of remodelling and disease progression. Patient-specific computational modelling can generate predictive remodelling and progression data. This project will develop a statistical shape modelling framework for cardiovascular structures based on a unique biobank in Bristol, then extending the observations to larger cohort studies.

Lead Supervisor

Dr Giovanni Biglino

Lead Supervisor Email

University Affiliation
