- Student induction
- Keep in touch
- Cohort activities
- University services
- Health and Safety
- Taking holidays
Student Induction
Make sure that your Broadening Horizons supervisor spends time with you to go through key things on your first day. To help with this, you can use our Student Induction Checklist.
Keep in touch
While on placement, you should maintain contact monthly with your PhD supervisor, and this can be by email, in person, virtually or telephone. Please check if your university requires you to record your meetings with their online tools.
The GW4 BioMed DTP Hub will contact you within the first three weeks to see how you are getting on.
Cohort activities
Depending on the timing of your Broadening Horizons placement,it may conflict with DTP cohort activities. You will need to make your placement host supervisor aware of any such events in advance of the placement.
University services
Although you will not be on campus, you are still a student. This means that you will still have access to all the facilities and services that would normally be available to you at your host institution.
Health and safety
Whilst on your Broadening Horizons placement, please make sure that you receive adequate information, instruction, training and supervision from your host organisation. If you feel you are not receiving this, please get in contact with your registered university as the placement provider could be in breach of contract.
If you have an accident while on placement, you must report this to the GW4 BioMed DTP Hub and your registered university immediately.
Taking holidays
Due to the short length of the placement, it is not recommended to take holiday during this time. However, if you decide to, please discuss with your Broadening Horizons supervisor prior to starting, and this will be captured in the placement legal agreement.
University or Broadening Horizons host organisation closure days and cohort activities are included in the 90 days of your placement. You should agree all holiday with your placement supervisor and the extra time should be added onto your 90 days.