Combining technologies to elucidate the epigenome’s impact on health and disease

Project Code MRCPHS25Ex Hannon Research Theme Population Health Sciences Project Summary Download Summary The epigenome’s dynamic nature and it’s responsiveness to environmental changes make it particularly attractive in the study of health and disease. This interest has resulted in various…

Integrative analysis of whole genomes and transcriptomes from multiple cell types in rare disease patients

Project Code MRCPHS25Ex Frontini Research Theme Population Health Sciences Project Summary Download Summary Comprehensive genetic analysis using whole genome sequencing (WGS) still fails to identify the genetic cause of diseases in about 50% of patients with rare diseases. To increase…

Unveiling the Biomechanics of Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Identifying Critical Foot Load Profiles for Prevention and Treatment

Project Code MRCPHS25Ex Akrami Research Theme Population Health Sciences Project Summary Download Summary Diabetic foot issues pose significant challenges for patients and healthcare providers. Current evaluation methods are costly, invasive, and subjective. This study aims to address these problems by…

Calcium signalling in In-Vitro Fertilization: developing a non-invasive diagnostic tool

Project Code MRCPHS25Ca Kaouri Research Theme Population Health Sciences Project Summary Download Summary In-Vitro Fertilization is the primary treatment of infertility, with ~2.5 million cycles performed annually. Success rates are, however, declining partly due to waiting 5 days to select…

Targeted reprogramming of epigenetic signals for lung regeneration

Project Code MRCPHS25Ca Jurkowska Research Theme Population Health Sciences Project Summary Download Summary What most of us do naturally and take for granted – the breathing – 500 million people struggle with as they suffer from incurable lung disease. Epigenetic…

Improving Bruise Evidence Across Variations in Skin Tone Using Artificial Intelligence

Project Code MRCPHS25Ca Farnell Research Theme Population Health Sciences Project Summary Download Summary Bruises are often seen on victims of violence in accident and emergency departments or as part of paediatric examinations. Bruising predicts later hospitalisation and homicide. Collecting reliable…

Investigating the role of the microbiome in obesity-driven colorectal cancer development

Project Code MRCPHS25Br Wade Research Theme Population Health Sciences Project Summary Download Summary Alarmingly, the incidence of early-onset colorectal cancer (EOCRC) is increasing rapidly in the UK. This rise may be, in part, attributable to obesity but exactly how obesity…

Metabolomic characterisation of adiposity across the life course

Project Code MRCPHS25Br Timpson Research Theme Population Health Sciences Project Summary Download Summary Adiposity, measured by body mass index (BMI), is linked to a range of health outcomes, but the underpinning biology is less understood. Metabolomics (the large-scale study of…

Using genetics to understand mental health outcomes in children from a clinical birth cohort

Project Code MRCPHS25Br Stergiakouli Research Theme Population Health Sciences Project Summary Download Summary This project will provide in-depth training in genetic epidemiology, childhood mental health, cohort studies and cleft. The student will have the opportunity to develop into one of…

Quantifying the impact of chronic pesticide exposure on disease susceptibility

Project Code MRCPHS25Br Siviter Research Theme Population Health Sciences Project Summary Download Summary Humanity has endured several outbreaks of infectious diseases that threaten population health. Environmental factors can influence disease susceptibility, but quantifying the impact of specific stressors is extremely…