How star cells of the brain help save the heart

Project Code MRCNMH25Br Mastitskaya Research Theme Neuroscience and Mental Health Project Summary Download Summary Glucagon-like peptide-1 is a hormone and neurotransmitter peptide known for its role in appetite control and glucose metabolism. Other health benefiting effects of GLP-1, in particular…

Investigating the relationship between substance use and self-harm using multiple methods

Project Code MRCNMH25Br Mars Research Theme Neuroscience and Mental Health Project Summary Download Summary This interdisciplinary PhD will provide transferable skills in epidemiology, advanced statistical methods, interviewing, study design, recruitment, and management. The project will provide an in-depth understanding of…

Examining risk factors for cognitive dysfunction in serious mental illness

Project Code MRCNMH25Br Khandaker Research Theme Neuroscience and Mental Health Project Summary Download Summary Cognitive problems (e.g., impaired memory/attention) are a core yet often overlooked feature of serious mental illness (SMI). Currently, little is known about what contributes to the…

Computing and translating mechanisms of neural network dysfunction associated with psychiatric risk

Project Code MRCNMH25Br Jones  Research Theme Neuroscience and Mental Health Project Summary Download Summary Psychotic disorders are common, chronic and poorly-treated; his cannot change until we understand their biological basis. This PhD project will integrate mouse electrophysiology and computational generative…

The impact of parental mental health on the neural substrate of early executive function development

Project Code MRCNMH25Br Holmboe Research Theme Neuroscience and Mental Health Project Summary Download Summary In recent years we have made new discoveries in how young children develop executive functions – important skills that allow children to adapt flexibly in their…

Towards a better understanding and treatments for the rare genetic brain disorder called CASK

Project Code MRCNMH25Br Hodge  Research Theme Neuroscience and Mental Health Project Summary Download Summary CASK is a protein found at synapses between neurons in the brain. Human mutations cause brain and behavioural problems including severe epilepsy, sleep, movement and learning…

Unlocking the secrets of fentanyl: exploring the anomalous pharmacology of fentanyl at the µ-opioid receptor

Project Code MRCNMH25Br Corey Research Theme Neuroscience and Mental Health Project Summary Download Summary Fentanyl is a dangerous synthetic opioid that is responsible for more US overdoses than any other drug, yet much remains to be understood about its pharmacology.…

Cannabinoids in the ticking network of the brainstem satiety centre

Project Code MRCNMH25Br Chrobok Research Theme Cross-CuttingInfection, Immunity, Antimicrobial Resistance and RepairNeuroscience and Mental HealthPopulation Health Sciences Project Summary Download Summary Most physiological processes including feeding follow circadian (~24h) cycles. In mammals, these rhythms are generated by endogenous ‘body clocks’…

Contactless vital signs and movement monitoring and brain development in extremely premature infants- a translational study

Project Code MRCNMH25Br Chakkarapani Research Theme Neuroscience and Mental Health Project Summary Download Summary Currently used wired contact-based sensor system for vital sign monitoring in extremely premature babies, born before 28 weeks of pregnancy, could damage their skin and impede…

Understanding neuronal dysfunction in Tuberous Sclerosis

Project Code MRCNMH25Br Carroll Research Theme Neuroscience and Mental Health Project Summary Download Summary Mutations in the TSC1 gene lead to Tuberous Sclerosis (TS), a genetic disorder associated with severe neurological symptoms. However, how mutations in TSC1 affect the brain…