How safe are antiseizure medications in pregnancy for conditions other than epilepsy?

Project Code MRCPHS25Ba McGrogan Research Theme Population Health Sciences Project Summary Download Summary Did you know that only 5% of medicines licensed in the UK have sufficient evidence about their safety in pregnancy? Women may be advised not to use…

Causal inference tools to study vaccines using real-world data: how can we make better use of negative control outcomes?

Project Code MRCPHS25Ba McDonald Research Theme Population Health Sciences Project Summary Download Summary “Vaccination saves lives! Observational vaccine studies are important to assess real-world effectiveness and safety, but people who receive vaccines differ from those who do not, so confounding…

Parental transmission of substance use: exploring mechanisms and informing intervention

Project Code MRCPHS25Ba Hines Research Theme Population Health Sciences Project Summary Download Summary Reducing substance use is a key goal within public health. Recent work has shown that a strong predictor of adolescent substance use is the substance use of…

An investigation of the factors that influence post-disaster mental health in a Brazilian birth cohort study

Project Code MRCPHS25Ba Halligan Research Theme Population Health Sciences Project Summary Download Summary Exposure to traumatic events like disasters is a major risk factor for poor mental health. However, understanding of the pre-existing factors that contribute to better or worse…