Calcium signalling in In-Vitro Fertilization: developing a non-invasive diagnostic tool

Project Code MRCPHS25Ca Kaouri Research Theme Population Health Sciences Project Summary Download Summary In-Vitro Fertilization is the primary treatment of infertility, with ~2.5 million cycles performed annually. Success rates are, however, declining partly due to waiting 5 days to select…

Targeted reprogramming of epigenetic signals for lung regeneration

Project Code MRCPHS25Ca Jurkowska Research Theme Population Health Sciences Project Summary Download Summary What most of us do naturally and take for granted – the breathing – 500 million people struggle with as they suffer from incurable lung disease. Epigenetic…

Improving Bruise Evidence Across Variations in Skin Tone Using Artificial Intelligence

Project Code MRCPHS25Ca Farnell Research Theme Population Health Sciences Project Summary Download Summary Bruises are often seen on victims of violence in accident and emergency departments or as part of paediatric examinations. Bruising predicts later hospitalisation and homicide. Collecting reliable…