What are the biological mechanisms underlying the association between smoking, smoking cessation and mental health: a triangulation approach using machine learning, mendelian randomisation, and g-methods applied to multiple biological cohort studies.

Project Code

MRCNMH25Ba Taylor

Research Theme

Neuroscience and Mental Health

Project Summary Download


What are the biological mechanisms underlying the association between smoking, smoking cessation, and mental health? A growing body of evidence supports smoking as a causal risk factor for poorer mental health, and there is evidence for long-term improvements in mental health following smoking cessation. However, less is known about the mechanisms underlying this association. This PhD project will examine hypothesized biological mechanisms, such as inflammation markers. The PhD candidate will receive training in various methodological approaches, including techniques from genetic epidemiology, machine learning, and G-methods to reduce residual and time-varying confounding.

Lead Supervisor

Dr Gemma Taylor

Lead Supervisor Email


University Affiliation
