How do tumour cells respond to infiltrated T cells and what factors are involved in the response?

Project Code

MRCIIAR24Br Itasaki

Research Theme

Infection, Immunity, Antimicrobial Resistance and Repair

Full Project Description

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Tumour infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) are lymphocytes that can be found within solid tumours. Some TILs are cancer-specific and if expanded can be used for immunotherapy. However, not all patients respond to TIL therapy. We aim to elucidate the impact that cancer cells might have on TIL function. Using 3D culture imaging, we reveal the interaction between cancer cells and TILs and examine possible factors that impact the way in which cancer cells respond to TILs.

Lead Supervisor

Dr Nobue Itasaki

Lead Supervisor Email

University Affiliation
