Using diverse cohorts, methods and novel measures to understand the relationship between diet, physical activity and health outcomes

Project Code

MRCPHS25Br Munafò

Research Theme

Population Health Sciences

Project Summary Download


Certain aspects of diet (e.g., high salt intake) and lower physical activity are known to cause poorer health outcomes. However, the impacts of other specific food types (e.g., ultra-processed foods, wholegrains) and different physical activity levels (e.g., sedentary vs moderate/vigorous activity) on health are less clear. Additionally, it is unclear whether these relationships are the same across different ethnic groups. This project will triangulate evidence from diverse datasets, using a range of methods (including genetic methods) to make causal inferences about relationships between specific aspects of diet, physical activity and health outcomes, informing health intervention targeting for ‘at risk’ groups.

Lead Supervisor

Professor Matcus Munafò

Lead Supervisor Email

University Affiliation
