The Experience and Impact of Psychedelic Therapy as Treatment for Mental Health Disorders in Women Survivors of Sexual Assault

Project Code

MRCNMH25Ba Williamson

Research Theme

Neuroscience and Mental Health

Project Summary Download


“Sexual assault (SA) often leads to mental health difficulties and, as standard treatments have poor response rates, many survivors suffer with long-term mental ill health. Psychedelic therapies have shown promise for mental health difficulties post-trauma; however, research on these therapies for SA survivors is limited. How this treatment is experienced by this patient group is poorly understood. You will explore the lived experience of women SA survivors with mental health disorders, focusing on their experiences of psychedelic treatments in clinical and naturalistic settings. This work will support the development of safer, acceptable treatments for SA survivors in the future”

Lead Supervisor

Dr Victoria Williamson

Lead Supervisor Email

University Affiliation
