The impact of microplastics on immune health: are novel bio-derived polymers a safer alternative?

Project Code

MRCIIAR24Br Weavers

Research Theme

Infection, Immunity, Antimicrobial Resistance and Repair

Full Project Description

Please download the below document for a full project description and to see the full supervisory team.


Humans are estimated to consume millions of microplastics (MPs) each year, but their impact on our health remains unclear. In this project, we will explore how MPs interact with cells of the immune system and decipher why these interactions might suppress the immune response (e.g. to pathogens). By combining in vivo animal models with in vitro analyses of human cells and state-of-the-art imaging, we will then test whether novel bioplastics are safer alternatives.

Lead Supervisor

Dr Helen Weavers

Lead Supervisor Email

University Affiliation
